Monday, April 21, 2014

Winter Recovery

We have endured some damage after one of the harshest winters on record. Fortunately, it’s limited to the fairways and did not affect the greens and tees.  We’ve started to “slit seed” these fairways to begin the recovery process.  These areas will be roped off for the next several weeks.  Please try to stay outside the ropes as much as possible.

#16 Fairway- Notice the sharp contrast on grass in one of the fairways.  The sodded bentgrass survived the winter, but the poa annua did not.  The poa annua did not survive because of the cold winter extremes and/or ice encasement.  

Balta begins the recovery process of slit seeding these areas.  We are beginning to seed the areas where all of the poa annua has died.  These areas appear more “white” than others.