Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Opening Day!

Dear Members:

Despite 4 inches of snow we are still planning on opening the greens for play on Friday, March 27th.  We are excited to finally be open for play and I would like to give you a preview for you what to expect this weekend.  The golf course came through the winter in great condition. We are still working hard to prepare it for play so only about half of the ballwashers, rakes, tee markers, etc. will be in place on Friday.  Carts will be allowed but on paths only.  Members and guests should NOT play from any of the new bunkers.  If your ball lands in a bunker, please take a free drop outside at the nearest point of relief.  These bunkers will open for play once the sod has taken place (approximately 3-4 weeks).  Hole #7 will be open for play. 

The areas of disturbance from the fairway bunker renovation are fairly large.  Therefore, we have seeded most of this space.  These areas will remain out of play until at least the first week of June  (depending on the weather).  We will only be roping portions of the seeded areas (the first half or so).  However, please don’t drive or walk through ANY seeded areas.  The grounds crew will retrieve and return lost balls to the pro shop.  We have not had the opportunity to put much detail into the bunkers.  Once the bunker project is completely finished (in about 2-3 weeks), the bunkers will be detailed.  I’m planning to have the course in great shape by the Kemper Kickoff on April 26th.  The upcoming forecast looks more promising, and that will allow you to play golf and our team to continue prepping and finishing the construction. 

Thank you for your cooperation and care for the course.   We are really excited about kicking off the 2015 season, and my team relishes the opportunity to meet or exceed your expectations.  As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or comments.


Michael Paciga

Friday, March 20, 2015

Golf Course Opening!

Last week’s warm weather accelerated the winter course thaw.  With an extended forecast for a “normal” or “slightly cooler” March, we plan to open the greens for play Friday, March 27th.   We have not received any precipitation to date in March. The extended forecast looks to change this- rain/snow are in the forecast.  We are hoping to get an early start on completing the bunker renovation project. 

We’ve been working on cleaning the entire course this week.  We should be able to start sod work next week and make the bunker work our number one priority. 

Overall, the course came through the winter in great shape with minimal or no damage.  I’m looking forward to spring and can’t wait to see everybody on the course.   

We currently plan to aerify greens and tees on Monday, April 6th with a rain date of Monday, April 13th

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Spring Fever and more!

This past week we’ve had a lot of snow melt and as of right now we still have about 60% snow cover left.  Below are a few pictures taken on Wednesday, March 11, 2015.  For those of you are getting cabin fever, the temporary pins are open.  If you are planning on coming out to play this weekend, please be sure to stay on the cart path as much as possible and DO NOT hit to any greens or play from any of the new bunkers.  The course is open for walking only at this time. 

Compared to last year, it looks like we are ahead of schedule by about 3 weeks.  I look forward to seeing everyone on the course!

Flower Orders
As a reminder, flower orders are due by Monday, April 13th.  Extra order forms are available in the main office.  Orders can be either, emailed, faxed, or turned into the clubhouse.  You will then receive an order confirmation from me.


This year, in addition to the blogs, I will also be doing short “Tweets” through our twitter account @kemperlakesgc.  Please be sure to follow Kemper Lakes if you have a twitter account.

For any new members or current members that have not yet signed up, follow the link below to sign up for  This site allows for me to send important course conditions (i.e. Frost delays, severe weather alert, etc.)  You can sign up to receive text and/or email alerts.  Its simple and fast to sign up:  enter your email or phone number, you will then receive a confirmation code, enter this code and then your done.